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Kategorie: Grammatik
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Standard | Name | Datum | Downloads
pdf0 a or an
pdf1 Active or Passive
pdf2 Einfache Vergangenheit
pdf3 Exercises on Adverbs I
pdf4 Exercises on Adverbs II
pdf5 Exercises on Adverbs III
pdf6 Exercises on going to future
pdf7 Exercises on have to
pdf8 Exercises on to inifinitive
pdf9 How to do a grammar poster (Beispiel)
pdf10 opposites (Kärtchen basteln)
pdf11 Participles
pdf12 Satzbau - verschiedene Zeiten
pdf13 Simple Present (Christmas)
pdf14 Unregelmäßige Verben A bis Z
pdf15 Verb in der richtigen Zeitstufe
pdf16 Verb to be
pdf17 Verb to have
pdf18 Verbs which have special past and past participle forms 2
pdf19 Verbs which have special past and past participle forms 3
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Krummer Hund (Juliane Pickel)
Krummer Hund (Juliane Pickel)